Reality is Real?

Sivaram Rasathurai
3 min readMay 16, 2021


Photo by Waqas Sultan on Unsplash

When you play video games like pubg or GTA vice city, sometimes you feel like the player you are playing. Not by heart, somehow you feel. When the pubg player is running, you may feel like you are running but you know that was a video game and you are outside of the game and you are playing that player.

Now, let’s imagine more than this, If we get more advanced technology, our Computer scientists can develop a game where we may have feelings or entirely we are injected into the game.

Instead of running the pubg player, you will be running there. So when you play the game, you get all the feelings there. It will be a great achievement in technologies. Yeah, This is argument reality, and computer scientists are trying to achieve the reality via artificial intelligence. When we have that technology we can live inside a game. surprisingly, we can get it in future that is what computer scientists are saying.

So when you play pubg, the pubg player plays accordingly to your commands. Just feel like that pubg player, the pubg player will get commands from outside but the player don't know who was that and the player plays according to those commands. Please continually, imagine you are that pubg player. you (pubg player) will get some commands.

Photo by dpesh stha on Unsplash

Ok now, let’s switch to the real world. whenever you are going to do something you will get some commands from your mind. you may / may not play according to that commands. So, the real world looks like a game where you are playing according to someone commands and you said the commands from your mind.

This is what scientists called simulation theory.

Photo by Tim Cooper on Unsplash

“The simulation theory is a proposal regarding the nature of our existence. The proposal is that all of reality, including the Earth and the rest of the universe, could, in fact, be an artificial simulation, such as a computer simulation.”

We have 50% of change for living in a simulation, because of the following facts.

  1. We don't know what will happen after life/ before life.
  2. Why the earth is the only place to live
  3. Déjà vu theory
  4. Mandela effect
  5. Soul
  6. Computer code can be injected into our DNA

I am going to explain each fact following subsequences posts.

Thanks for reading this Blog!!! Hope you will enjoy it.
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